Natural remedies to keep your home clean

Natural remedies to keep your home clean

Who doesn’t love the smell of lemongrass and sumac in the morning? Would it not be nice to have those aromas pervade your home throughout the day? Well, that’s what natural cleaning does to your home, alright. Apart from the wonderful aesthetics of transforming your home into a serene space, you would also be rid of the chemicals in industrial cleaning solutions. Here are some of the natural remedies prescribed by leading house cleaning services in Dubai to get your home fresh and shiny using household items.

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Microfiber Cleaning Pads

Forget those dirty rags that carry grease and dirt all over your kitchen. Microfiber wipes clean stains and dirt easily, with just a little water, leaving no lint or streaks behind. The small fibers latch onto dirt particles more easily, lifting them up rather than moving them across the cleaning surface. This makes them ideal for counter tops and windows which need to look flawless, all the time. All these benefits are why cleaning companies in Dubai tend to use them in cleaning. They are also very cheap and easy to clean, so ditch those towels and rags and stock up on microfiber wipes before you get cleaning.

Purify your Home

Commercial air fresheners contain volatile organic compounds that can potentially cause skin diseases or even respiratory issues in some people. So why use chemical sprays when you can use something far simpler and works way better?

Simmer a bowl of water till it’s just ready to boil. Slice a lemon into thin bits and leave it dipped in the water. Sprinkle some spices – nutmeg or cinnamon, or even essential oils into the bowl. The heat releases pleasant aromas into the air, making your home smell as fresh as a garden. The important part is to not let the water evaporate completely, nor leave the setup out too long that the lemon slices become rancid.

Kitchen Cleaning

No place in your home needs to be cleaned as often as the kitchen. But cleaning with chemical agents is not a viable solution when you have foodstuff stored in there. Before you call cleaning services in Dubai to take care of the mess, take a look at some of these cleaning tips you can use for kitchen cleaning.

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Cutting Board

Simply washing the cutting board is not enough to remove germs from your cutting board. Sprinkle some salt over the board after you wash it with water. Cut a lemon in half, or get a slice that’s been squeezed – you just need a little bit of juice for this. Scrub the cutting board surface with the lemon slice, like you are trying to remove the salt. The scrubbing embeds the salt into the small cracks, removing any contaminants. Wash the board again to remove the dirt along with the salt and lemon specks.

Counter Tops

A little spill on your counter tops can become crusty in little time. And no amount of scrubbing can remove the stain until you give up and call in house cleaning services in Dubai. Well, if you have a lemon slice and baking soda on hand, these spills can be removed with little effort.

Rub the lemon slice over the spill or stain and sprinkle a tablespoon of baking soda over it. Use a damp sponge or microfiber cloth to wipe away the stain. Soak a microfiber wipe in lemongrass solution and wipe down counters to give off an aroma that will remove all cooking odors from the kitchen.


You wouldn’t want to put your dirty plates into an even dirtier dishwasher. There’s also the difficulty of cleaning out the nooks and crannies with a wet rag – this would often result in the dirt getting moved further inside and you give it up for good.

Here is a recommendation from cleaning services in Dubai – place a bowl of white vinegar in the top rack and run a cycle. All the dirt and food bits would get dislodged while also removing any foul odors. Let it dry before running a wet cycle without any dishes inside, to flush away the dirt completely.

Garbage Disposal

Leftover food bits can get lodged in your garbage disposal and stay there for a long time. Over time, this would degrade and cause pungent smells in your kitchen.

To prevent this, slice a lemon in four and run in through the garbage disposal with the water running for about ten seconds. Make a solution of vinegar and water in a bowl with ice cubes and pour this down as well to clear the lemon slices. Finally, pour half a cup of baking soda solution down the sink and let it clean out the garbage disposal for about 10 minuted before running water to clean it all up.

Toilet Cleaning

Toilets are one place that we put off cleaning until we actually see any stains. By then, it would be so hard to remove that we would have to call in professional cleaning services in Dubai. Just mix some baking soda with a few drops of essential oils and pour a spoonful into and around the toilet bowl. If you have a spray bottle, you can use this to evenly spread the mixture on the bowl surface. Pour some vinegar into the baking soda mixture and allow it to react. Scrub away the stains with a toilet brush and then flush with water.

Hire professional cleaning services in Dubai

Getting your home cleaned with natural materials really helps maintain an organic aesthetic. But with a hectic schedule, having to clean your home thoroughly using special remedies between home and work can be quite a challenge. You can always count on professional cleaners to take care of your home while you are busy. Finding the right cleaning company among the numerous house cleaning services in Dubai can be a task unto itself when you actually decide to hire professionals.

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Worry no more when you choose Offer Maids for your home cleaning needs in Dubai. Our maids clean so well that you will feel like your home is brand new. We provide exceptional cleaning services at affordable rates for our clients, ensuring your complete satisfaction.